Asking How
How does this feel, how is this flowing?
How puts us in a state of listening.
So often my clients will come in, anxious, in pain. They want a fix. As they begin to learn a movement, it is often being processed in their head. Am I doing it right? Is this right? I don’t feel anything.
I’m learning to hold space for that but not let it dominate the session. First, we slow down.
I acknowledge that my answers might not be clear. This is in part because the answers shouldn’t come from me. They should come from my clients’ experience. In their own body. Layer by layer, we soften. After one stretch, a client may feel nothing more than agitation and failure. This is when I need to continue trusting what I know to be true for me: that presence is powerful. Be comfortable with not knowing, but be willing to be curious.
As we continue to move in a session, I leave room for silence. Witnessing my clients’ process. My check-ins are more like “what do you notice now?” And we use observation to guide us to the next movement. The discoveries my client makes leads us to the next choice. Sure, I have a foundation of knowledge guiding me where we might go, but it is intertwined with the discoveries unfolding before us. By the end of the session, the energy in the room has often shifted dramatically. My client is settled, their body relaxed and open. The shifts we make feel beyond the physical.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we are in the season of the Fire element, which is closely associated with the heart and the pericardium. The Fire element represents warmth, joy, and connection. The pericardium, often referred to as the "heart protector," helps us manage our emotional well-being and maintain healthy boundaries. Its energy resonates with the ability to be present, to experience deep connections, and, when safe, to listen with an open heart.
When we ask "how," we tap into this Fire energy, fostering a state of attentive listening and compassionate presence. This energy encourages us to connect deeply with ourselves and others, allowing for healing that transcends the physical. It reminds us that our healing involves engaging with our inner experiences and creating a space where our hearts can communicate freely.
As we navigate this season, let's embrace the qualities of the Fire element and the pericardium. Let's be curious, present, and open-hearted, allowing the wisdom of our bodies to guide us toward deeper connections and holistic well-being.